Mandates in The United Kingdom
Mandates in The United Kingdom
The UK adopted Inline XBRL for tax return filings in 2011 and for annual financial reports in 2021. iXBRL allows data to be analyzed and processed efficiently leading to quality business decisions.
Mandates in The United Kingdom
Mandates in The United Kingdom
The UK adopted Inline XBRL for tax return filings in 2011 and for annual financial reports in 2021. iXBRL allows data to be analyzed and processed efficiently leading to quality business decisions.

UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) iXBRL Mandate
The FCA requires LSE-listed companies to prepare annual financial reports in ESEF iXBRL format. To do so, companies must tag their financial disclosures with machine-readable (XBRL) elements chosen out of a digital dictionary known as a taxonomy. Companies in the UK may choose between two taxonomies – ESEF and UKSEF – for their iXBRL reporting. The UKSEF Taxonomy is an extension of the ESEF Taxonomy and includes certain UK-specific elements.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) iXBRL Mandate
The UK’s tax authority HMRC requires companies to submit tax returns – including company accounts and tax computations – in iXBRL format. The mandate applies to returns due on or after April 1, 2011, for accounting periods ending after March 31, 2010. Business entities such as unincorporated charities, clubs, and societies can opt to submit company accounts either electronically or in PDF format. However, their tax computations need to be in iXBRL.

UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) iXBRL Mandate
The FCA requires LSE-listed companies to prepare annual financial reports in ESEF iXBRL format. To do so, companies must tag their financial disclosures with machine-readable (XBRL) elements chosen out of a digital dictionary known as a taxonomy. Companies in the UK may choose between two taxonomies – ESEF and UKSEF – for their iXBRL reporting. The UKSEF Taxonomy is an extension of the ESEF Taxonomy and includes certain UK-specific elements.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) iXBRL Mandate
The UK’s tax authority HMRC requires companies to submit tax returns – including company accounts and tax computations – in iXBRL format. The mandate applies to returns due on or after April 1, 2011, for accounting periods ending after March 31, 2010. Business entities such as unincorporated charities, clubs, and societies can opt to submit company accounts either electronically or in PDF format. However, their tax computations need to be in iXBRL.
FCA - Payments to Government XML Reporting
UK-incorporated companies that have tradable securities on a regulated market and belong to an extractive industry are required to disclose their payments to various governments on an annual basis. This requirement has been around since January 1, 2015.
Under revised rules that came into force on August 1, 2016, such companies are required to file Payments to Governments reports through the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) National Storage Mechanism (NSM). The reports need to be filed in the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format.
FCA - Payments to Government XML Reporting
UK-incorporated companies that have tradable securities on a regulated market and belong to an extractive industry are required to disclose their payments to various governments on an annual basis. This requirement has been around since January 1, 2015.
Under revised rules that came into force on August 1, 2016, such companies are required to file Payments to Governments reports through the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) National Storage Mechanism (NSM). The reports need to be filed in the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format.
How We Support Organizations in the UK?
How We Support Organizations in the UK?

Filings in Europe

XBRL Experts

Years of Experience
How Can We Streamline Your Compliance?
At Fin-X Solutions®, our software, services, and expert support are designed for effortless compliance with regulatory requirements. We’ve spent years perfecting our craft of handling financial disclosure processes right from authoring to digital (XBRL) conversion.
Compliance is simple with Fin-X Solutions®. Let's talk about your iXBRL filing needs and desired turnaround time. Sit back and wait for your high-quality iXBRL documents. All of this is at a highly affordable price.
What Our Clients Say

I’m impressed by the work you delivered on our 2019 iXBRL. A very positive experience on the training – both in terms of your knowledge of the content, as well as your availability and flexibility! Whenever I raised a question, you responded always quickly and accurately.
Kirsten Cobbaert

IRIS CARBON® is extremely user-friendly and makes it very easy to conduct a review of the ESEF tags. I was impressed with the detailed training sessions that had a practical focus and will help with the iXBRL review process in the future. Customer support is delivered in a very committed manner. I would highly recommend an IRIS CARBON® experience.
Sabine Chambon

I wish to express my gratitude to the IRIS team for their engagement and professionalism in supporting Eni with the ESEF mandate.
Roberto Nardi

IRIS CARBON® stood out from the other iXBRL conversion software products I have seen. The platform is easy to follow and use. The review functions are simple, allowing quick and easy checking of iXBRL tagging, ESEF taxonomy, and Company taxonomy as well.
Riku Järvelä

We chose IRIS CARBON® since we wanted an outsourcing option for publishing iXBRL in English, French, and Dutch.
Guy Provoost

We selected IRIS CARBON® for our ESEF iXBRL conversion, since IRIS is a global firm with deep experience in XBRL/iXBRL, great quality of filings, service delivery, and importantly, offers their service and solution at a very attractive price.
Johan Segers
How Can We Streamline Your Compliance?
At Fin-X Solutions®, our software, services, and expert support are designed for effortless compliance with regulatory requirements. We’ve spent years perfecting our craft of handling financial disclosure processes right from authoring to digital (XBRL) conversion.
Compliance is simple with Fin-X Solutions®. Let's talk about your iXBRL filing needs and desired turnaround time. Sit back and wait for your high-quality iXBRL documents. All of this is at a highly affordable price.
What Our Clients Say

I’m impressed by the work you delivered on our 2019 iXBRL. A very positive experience on the training – both in terms of your knowledge of the content, as well as your availability and flexibility! Whenever I raised a question, you responded always quickly and accurately.
Kirsten Cobbaert

IRIS CARBON® is extremely user-friendly and makes it very easy to conduct a review of the ESEF tags. I was impressed with the detailed training sessions that had a practical focus and will help with the iXBRL review process in the future. Customer support is delivered in a very committed manner. I would highly recommend an IRIS CARBON® experience.
Sabine Chambon

I wish to express my gratitude to the IRIS team for their engagement and professionalism in supporting Eni with the ESEF mandate.
Roberto Nardi

IRIS CARBON® stood out from the other iXBRL conversion software products I have seen. The platform is easy to follow and use. The review functions are simple, allowing quick and easy checking of iXBRL tagging, ESEF taxonomy, and Company taxonomy as well.
Riku Järvelä

We chose IRIS CARBON® since we wanted an outsourcing option for publishing iXBRL in English, French, and Dutch.
Guy Provoost

We selected IRIS CARBON® for our ESEF iXBRL conversion, since IRIS is a global firm with deep experience in XBRL/iXBRL, great quality of filings, service delivery, and importantly, offers their service and solution at a very attractive price.